Adult Membership : £110 (split into 5x£22 or one up front payment)
Student Membership: £70 (Split into 5x£14 or one up front payment)
Guest Membership (Allows up to 5 games): £30
Junior Membership (Includes those playing in Senior Hockey): £70 (Split into 5x£14 or one up front payment)
Junior Membership discounts - subsequent juniors within a family pay less - 2nd Junior: £35, 3rd Junior £17.50, 4th Junior: Free
A senior member with 2 or more family members within the club gets a 10% off a full membership
If the cost of play is a barrier to playing for you, get in touch. As a club, we do not want the cost to be a barrier to anyone - we have spares of most things, and we can be flexible with subscription and match fees - just talk to us.
Match fees are
Adults/Guest: £12
Juniors/Student: £7
Summer Hockey £5
Pre Season Fitness £5
Mixed games - Depends on match
Socials - Case by Case basis
A kit (short socks shirt) for a new starter in the Senior section is £30 - just email the kit officer to arrange (click below)
Mens shirts/shorts are sized S/M/L/etc, Ladies Shirts/Skorts are sized 8/10/12/etc. Socks are shoe sized.
If, as a Lady you prefer shorts to skorts, just mention in the email
The club pays umpires a match fee back in return for umpiring
The club pays mileage to anyone taking 2 or more other players to an away game at a rate of 20p per mile (correct as of 2023/4 season)
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.