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A hard fought loss for the 3rd team today failing to capitalise on the silky play in the first half. Rugged defending and smooth transition play was the game of the first half. Lovely leading runs by the forwards which made breaking out from well organised defence, which was demanded by Adam barking orders at the players in front of him, much easier. Alas this was not enough to break down Long Sutton and St Ives went in 1 down at the break.
The second half resembled a battle field more than a hockey pitch with two soldiers falling in quick succession. Tris suffering a hand injury while bravely putting his body on the line defending a short corner. While Greg, who had been masterful in defence and transition, used his head to prevent Long Sutton’s onslaught.
With two comrade's taken out in their primes Jack decided it was high time for a bit of revenge. While shadowing a player, showing him down the line and away from the D I can only imagine the images of his wounded brethren were passing though his mind as his next action was very out of character. Lunging stick get at the knees of the attacking long suttoner, Jack took the player out with one strong swing of his stick. Dishing out his own justice on the situation. As he arouse from his self proclaimed heroic action he only looked back to find out which colour card he has received. A green for his transgression.
As the game wore on tired legs and minds started to plague St Ives and long Sutton started to take their opportunity. A second green card was handed out by the umpires to a 3rd team debutant by the name of Matthew Walker for his ridiculous attempt to catch a ball which had flown up close to him after a contested tackle. A fair decision.
All in all it was a gruelling game which left both sets of players ready for refreshments. The play in the second half was not as good as the first and the score line reflected this. A 3-0 home loss for St Ives, though they can take pride in the spirit and the potential shown during the game.
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