Mens 3 vs City Of Peterborough 4

12 October 2024 | Luke Pooley
Mens 3 vs City Of Peterborough 4

In the fine British morning of the 12/10/2024 the gallant army of the men’s 3rds strode gallantly towards their positions. As the ball was struck back the battle commenced.

The oppositions doth hastily placed thous ball within the back of thou brave St.Ives net leaving them discouraged. The brave St.Ives kept their heads gallantly raised. The opposition dominated the gast St.Ives scoring a total of 3 goals in the egal and judicious first half.

Just before the second half commenced young knave placed his red battle armour (bib) on and went to retrieve thys helmet realising anon he would be writing the match report. The opposition was also proudly wearing their red battle armour (shirts) thus blending into thous surrounding (the first error). But the foolishness and treachery doesn’t stop there. The young knave moved hie to retrieve thys helmet not realising that thys helmet belonged to thy opposition. The unpregnant (idiotic), wall-eyed, zany young knave didn’t perpend the consequences of his actions thus resulting in become the newest jester (DOD).

The second half of the battle commenced becoming more egal. Although the war was halfway done there was still hope for the brilliant and gallant St.Ives. The oppositions napped a trio of goals on the second half of battle thus creating them a 6-0 lead. Sir Jago was eft to gain a green card and did so magnificently like the court jester of thous monarch. However, the parlous peasant Sir Luke let loose of the ball like and arrow pinging to Sir Leo of Parker allowing Sir Leo to bravely tap the ball to Sir Benjamin of Banstead who sweeped the ball on thous reverse thus knaping the yellow ball into the darkened backboards of the oppositions goal leaving the final score at a 6-1 finish to the opposing army.

Thy battle came to an end with a 6-1 finish to the opposition of the Peterborough region leaving St.Ives men’s 3s lapsed.

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