Deferred Payments FAQ

02 July 2023 | Stephen Denman
Deferred Payments FAQ

Deferred Payments are Here

For the 2023/4 season, we have enabled deferred payments on the teamo portal

This is an effort to save us money on processing fees for Match fees.

How does it save us money?

Through our teamo platform we pay two fees on every payment we collect/process - a fee to teamo for the handling and a fee from the payment processor

If you use a debit/credit card through Stripe, then we pay 1.4% plus 20p per transaction

If you use a direct debit through gocardless its 1% plus 20p per transaction

Deferred payments groups transactions into groups , which reduces the number of 20ps we pay.

20p doesn't sound a lot until you realise that we do 9 teams, averaging maybe 13 players a game, times 22 games in a season, which is £515 or so.

We estimate by using deferred payments we'll save approximately 75% of this, so saving the club £400

What do I need to do?

As far as way you do it on teamo, it is no different - you just press pay as you currently do

Then why are you telling me?

What does change is when the money leaves your account.

When you pay a deferred payment, your invoice will be paid in 30 days, OR when you hit a predefined limit. Our predefined limit is £60.

If you already have a payment deferred, the next one gets added to the already running 30 day timer

Do you have a pretty flow diagram to explain?

What happens if a non deferred payment goes out?

If you have a non deferrable payment (eg your annual subs on a monthly amount, or a kit payment , or a social ticket) and you have money waiting to go out on a deferred payment, it will be paid at the same time as your non deferred payment (ie reducing the number of transactions)

Who can I ask questions to?

Either myself (Stephen, click my name below) or ideally the tech support at Teamo, through the chat function when logged in.

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